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Collektsiya Kamnej, mineralov

Dissident: I collect semi-precious/precious stones, minerals, crystals, precious rocks, pearls, coralls etc Кто нибудь етим занимаеця? Есть ли в Ване место где можно етим добром загрузиця если в стечении неблагоприятных обстоятелств мне придеця там оказаця ? :)

Ответов - 2

Krosavcheg: Кирпич колотый берёшь? :)

Dissident: Jade is the official gemstone of British Columbia, where it is found in large deposits in the Lillooet and Cassiar regions. It is also the official gemstone of the state of Alaska, found particularly in the Kobuk area. A two ton block of jade sits outside the Anchorage Visitor’s Center in downtown Anchorage, Alaska, mined from near Kobuk and donated to the city as a showpiece. Esli seriozno, to dobra etogo tam skoree vsego navalom.

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